#2: Ola Lanko
In her artistic practice, Ola Lanko pushes the vision, understanding and perception to the point where it breaks down. She works in a systematic but intuitive way combining ideas of rationalists and romanticists in a single experiment to understand the world, bring curiosity and bewilderment to peoples daily practice. Ola explores the notion of photographic image and expands it into photogenic installations and photographic projects. She explores parallel knowledge production and histories that are created by images. Working with metaphors and references she rearranges them in a new non-linear narratives. Ola believes that in order to deal with new conditions of visual information, while the world is being transformed into images, it is necessary to develop a qualitative approach to the process of looking, have a critical attitude towards images and be aware of its role in the overall perception of the surrounding.

Romantic act of reason, photogenic installation, 2014

Mountain, photogenic installation, 2015. Three dimensional collage comprising of found footage.

Collaboration project ED that explores amateur archives as a source for an investigation into contemporary use of photography.
M, 2015. A speculative visual journey composed out of found footage.

Stages of fading, Unfixed


Tuffo, Alexander Rodchenko, 1934

Costume designs, Alexander Rodchenko, 1930

Tatlin’s Tower. Project for the Monument to the Third International designed by the Russian artist and architect Vladimir Tatlin.

An example made with Auto Enhance function in Google +

Mine the image. A few thoughts on the concealed richness of visual soil Essay by Ola Lanko that explores the ideas about complex nature of a photograph.

The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Walter Benjamin (1936)
Samaritan by John Zorn from album Gift 2001

Shelter, Installation shot, Kunst aan de Schinkel, 2015

Shelter, Installation detail, Kunst aan de Schinkel, 2015

Shelter, Installation detail, Kunst aan de Schinkel, 2015
Video impression of the Shelter project

Warp and Woof. Work in progress of Ola’s newest project that reflects upon the fragmented perception of the information and iconic imagery.

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. Satirical novella by the English schoolmaster Edwin Abbott Abbott written in 1884.

Required reading, Rubik’s cube, 2013

Pepper, Rubik’s cube, 2013
The Ballad of Hank McCain Mike Patton and John Zorn 2000.